Wednesday 13 February 2013

Demand Justice for Lily, a dog beaten and stabbed, impregnated with diesel fuel and left for dead. Then authorities allow abusers to go free

This is about a small dog called Lily and her brother. Two small stray dogs just trying to survive in the cruel region of Cluj Romania. Here as with the majority of Romania, dogs are seen as vermin to treat as you want, to do what you want, abuse mame and torture as you want. Abusers of the animals know full well that regardless that there are laws in place to protect domestic and stray animals, they can do whatever they want. Because the corruption and greed of the regional government and national government will protect them.

They know that Cluj's own mayor Emil Boc and his police department care not for the law nor the animals that are meant to be protected by these same laws. After all, dog killing is a profitable business in Romania and every human along the way makes a nice tidy profit from the brutality and inevitable painful death of each of its victims.

So what does it matter to Emil Boc and his merry men if two small dogs have been brutally beaten? Lilys brother having died from his injuries, both of them have had one of their eyes gauged out with sticks and defenceless small Lily was held down and forcibly impregnated with diesel?

Clues to Lily and her brothers abusers lay everywhere, the pole that was used to beat and impregnate Lily, the sticks used to brutality beat both dogs time and time again, over and over. There is no doubt fingerprints will be found on these weapons, the scene itself will without doubt have traces of the abusers DNA.

The fact is the Mayor and his police department they can not be bothered with what they would deem a waste of resources and time. Some people out there may think the same, one vile incident, sometimes these things happen. You would be mistaken, you see in Cluj, as with all regions of Romania this type of crime happens to the strays every single day and time and time again Emil Boc as do all the other city hall officials and police departments in Romania choose to ignore it.

We refuse to let Lilys torturers and abusers be let off so lightly. We refuse to allow her brothers horrific death to be in vain. There lives were NOT worthless, and they deserve justice.

The evidence is there to catch the abusers if the police department so wished, and even if they did not wish to pursue this case the mayor has it within his powers to order them to investigate and bring the abusers to justice.

Join with us today to demand The police department of Cluj and the mayor and city hall, once and for all actually stand by Romanian law and do all they can to investigate, catch and charge the abusers. For once, not to make mockery of the Romanian legal system, for once......To give worth to the lives of two small dogs and for one who is still battling for her life.


2) Contact Emil Boc by email  and leave a message on his Facebook demanding that he orders the investigation to go ahead by his police department and do all they can to capture and prosecute the abusers.

  • Remember, keep your correspondence polite but stern. (You catch more flys with honey than you do salt) 
  • Remind him of his mayoral obligations to uphold the law as the leader of City Hall.
  • Remind him of the recent scandal of Horsemeat in the Uk and his own president claimed that Romania does take care of its animals
3) Notify your own European Parliamentary member of this petition ( Find there contact details by clicking here )and tell them why you have signed expressing your views on this matter, Remember to be polite but clear in your correspondence. request they contact the mayor as your representative within the EU



  1. Are you not scarred they will do same to you one day?
    It is like that. what a person is doing to an animal he is doing to another person later..
    You haven't learnt that, yet?
    I hope and wish you will one day..

  2. Thank you for letting the world know about this. But I wonder, what is wrong with people in Eastern Europe? I hear of cases like this on a daily basis. Seems like there`s a long way to go for animal welfare in Romania and its neighbor countries. I`m absolutely horrofied.

  3. If someone does this to an animal what do you think they are actually capable of later? Please Listen Do Not Let This Action Go UnNoticed! If these Dogs were your dogs how would you feel? Are you so callous or just "To Busy To Be Bothered"? Please Let People see they Can Not & Will Not Be Allowed To Do this to ANY Living Creature!!Do Not Take This Lightly!!!!! Serial Killers Are Made Of This!

  4. There are days when I despair of the human race, no words describe their capacity for cruelty.

  5. ANy person who can do something like this to ANY animal should be Euthanized!!

  6. Death all Romanian humans the animals from joy killing. My name is Martin and I lives in Germany. But one can I you promise. I will be soon in Romania around something to cause. If I will then see one of warscheinlich 100,000, the one animal harms. more.der by me one releases. And that is not in such a way said only, but promise

  7. I work in a prison. We have men who have hurt many people and they started on animals. This is unnecessary and evil. If dogs need culling then let this be done humanely. These 'men' who get pleasure from doing this are supposedly someone's family. They touch their children, their wives, their mothers with the same hands.

  8. evil, sadistic, to get rid of these 2 legged creatures...

  9. the monsters that did these despicable acts of violence and extreme cruelty, do not deserve to breathe the same air as these dogs, or any other living being.

    they need to be locked up in cell for the rest of their useless, vile existences

  10. Disgusting. I will be spreading the word. Thank for you spreading awareness.

  11. i am from romania..fortunately,sometimes i imagine how i torture the people who torture these animals..i see everyday dogs that are beaten,let to starve,killed..yesterday,i saw a dog with a hole in his head,just walking on the streets and crying..i couldnt catch him to help him,if we call somebody they will kill him not help him.i do my best and help as much dogs as i can,but i am too tiny for the system.i talked to the vets and they told me the story of why there are so many dogs on the streets..the government must send money to every city to castrate the dogs but they keep their money to go on holidays and drink wine while these little creatures starve and are beaten..i dont think that being polite helps this country if you are polite you dont matter..if you arent polite you dont matter have to help us..the outside organisations can help us..but dont send funds to our government to build homes and bla bla for the dogs..they will steal ur money too..there must be smth we can do,i sometimes imagine being sooo rich and hiring people(criminals)to torture those who do that..i think this is the only solution left in this country..

    1. Thank you Alexandra for your words. It's good to know you and hopefully other like you care so much.

    2. alexandru makes me glad that you have a heart and that you take care about the poor dogs.2000 i have been in romania and have seen the incredible situation from the dogs and all really shoked me.if those motherfuckers,who torture animals would be blown away from earth,believe me we would not have any overpopulation.surley we would have a better world,when the scum is gone.somthing like paradise and freedom for our animals.we should work on this

  12. “Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.”
    ― Arthur Schopenhauer, The Basis of Morality

    “I don't believe in the concept of hell, but if I did I would think of it as filled with people who were cruel to animals.”
    ― Gary Larson

    1. I totaly agree, SOARECE!!!!!!!!

  13. Who could ever inflict this brutality on such souls, all they would have asked was a little love and care in return for absolute devotion and companionship. Think on ROMANIA - you are missing out on one of the best relationships we humans can ever know.

  14. Is very true ! ... money created this in the first place ! And second thing! people doing like Maxwell ... putting all the people in the same "ROMANIA" garbage .... is like going to school and no matter if you do good or bad the teacher still calling you STUPID . This is what discourage other people ... they are put all in the same balance !

  15. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.” - Gandhi

  16. #Romaniastopanimalabuse is the tag on twitter. see what the government is doing. Dogs are being stabbed, or beaten to death in Romania. They said, the poor boy, was killed by dogs! He was not! Look at the videos, we sharing, and the pictures. see the real Romani in 2013, with your own eyes. #Romanistopanimalabuse
